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Trio of Tuna, Smoked, Sashimi, Tataki

Trio of Tuna, Smoked, Sashimi, Tataki

Love A'Fare, A Catering Experience

Love A'Fare, A Catering Experience
Private Catering for in your home from a professional Chef.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Woke Up Ravenous!!!!

Woke up ravenous this morning. Moose eyes are just the fix.  Lining a muffin tin with prosciutto, adding a little goat cheese and Dijon mustard to the bottom and finish with an egg.  Into the oven at 350F for about 10 - 12 minutes (look for the white to be cooked and the yoke to still be is a very fine time line!  This does not need salt as the prosciutto is salty.  Finish with some pepper and get a fresh croissant to dip in.  
Not hungry anymore and ready to start the day!

                   Have A Fabulous Day Everyone


  1. What a clever idea! And sounds delish. Would this work with half-cooked bacon too?

  2. It does work with half cooked bacon. Prosciutto is the easiest and Pancetta is one of the tastiest because it can be sliced so thin. I have also lined the muffin tins with smoked salmon and an whipped egg filling and that worked also and was very good. Especially with a little sauce.

  3. Yum!
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