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Trio of Tuna, Smoked, Sashimi, Tataki

Trio of Tuna, Smoked, Sashimi, Tataki

Love A'Fare, A Catering Experience

Love A'Fare, A Catering Experience
Private Catering for in your home from a professional Chef.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Little Pizza for the Soul!

Pizza, one of the favorites in this kitchen.  A great way to use up leftovers, satisfy a cheesy craving and making it is a fabulous way to get everyone involved in what they are eating!

This particular night there was a feisty almost two year old who loves to do everything we are doing soooooo he got to make his own pizza.  Although distracted by a bracelet when it cam time to eat, he was fully involved in the making of the pizza and got to pick his own toppings. 
When using up leftovers,one of the favorites is to put the greens on the top of the pizza especially heartier ones as they crisp up and give a great texture to the pizza and when a little sea salt is added the flavour is delish!
The fridge is now ready for one of the two favorite Fridays of the month, the organic food bin.  Every two weeks a bin of delicious organic vegetables is delivered to the door and for about $75.00 it feeds two of us for two weeks with little else to buy for fresh veggies and fruit.
This bin of beauty arrives tomorrow and tonight is all about eating what is left for veggies in the fridge.  More creations to come and pictures that I hope you will enjoy!
Have a Magically Delicious Day!


  1. I find that we do the same thing on box day-trying to eat up all the old fruits and veggies before the new ones arrive. I love the idea of throwing them on a pizza. Great post!

  2. My kids used to love making their own pizza!! How wonderful that he likes the greens, mine at 11 and 14 are still green-o-phobic. They are getting better, but it's a struggle.

  3. Greens are the hardest to get kids to eat. I like making Kale chips and using the fine art of trickery!! Tossing them in a bowl, drizzle olive oil and salt and bake at 350 until they are crispy...about 12 minutes. Spice is a great addition as well. Chili Powder, Cumin, Smoked Paparika are just a few of my favorites. I don't have kids but can only imagine the difficulties parents have trying to get them to eat and want to eat healthy alternatives. GO PARENTS!
